Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Classroom

A lovely view of my super enthused 6th grade class. (Notice the boy SLEEPING in the second row. I was clearly very entertaining that afternoon.)

Our "classroom read-aloud bookshelf" We are currently reading A Wrinkle in Time.

My 'to be graded' basket. Amazingly enough, it was empty. Not at all typcial!

View from the front. My room is crowded with 27 student desks. Thank goodness I have an actual classroom this year, and not the portable I had last year. They just wouldn't have fit.

Our windowsill displays student mailboxes, hand-in baskets, Late-work basket, No-name basket, and 'Extra' basket (for extra copies of worksheets and such)

The white board at the front of the room, Math Tesselations and Weekly vocabulary words are displayed above and below.

My corner! I spend A LOT of time at that computer!

View from the back.

Computer Research Center.

Coat rack and Math manipulative shelves. Parts of Speech on the wall!

This is our classroom library corner. Students often read or work on team activities in this corner. I'll need to expand it for next year; I just got a hold of some books that need a new home!

Skill Reminder Wall. Currently displaying Fraction opperations, Elements of Literature, and Good Reading Strategies. The Weekly spelling list is also displayed here.

Our Math wall. Measurement, multiplication, and Mountain Math bulletin board!

This classroom community tree is the first thing that I made to go up on my wall at the beginning of the year, and I am very proud of it. Each apple has a student name on it; Mrs. Chabre is up there too!

Our classroom calendar, rules, expectations, homework policy, birthdays, weather report, and classroom jobs chart is all on this bulletin board by our door.
Each week, students are given a new classroom job. They check the "current job openings" board every Monday morning to see what job they are responsible for that week.

My 6th graders will soon be Jr. Highers, so we just had our elections for 7th grade ASB officers. Each student was required to write a speech and make a poster for the candidacy of one office. Here are the posters, displayed on our classroom window.


  1. Looks like a great classroom! You seem like such a good teacher.

  2. ha. thanks! I don't feel like a great teacher every day, but I try. I figure I can only get better w/ experience. :)
