Last Thursday evening, Mike Reser was having his bachelor party. So a few of us ladies, (meaning Robyn and I) along with Mike's fiance, Amanda and a few of her friends, planned to go out and have a little dinner and do a some gambling at the the Blue. On the drive in, the crazy weather began. It was around 7 pm, I believe, when the FREAK snow storm blew on in. I was driving my little car on Harvey Shaw Rd. (very windey and out in the boonies, for those of you who are not familiar) Let me paint a picture for you...
It was a dark, cold night. The road was slick with a layer of freshly fallen slush. Although slush on the ground, in the air it was frozen snow, being pelted at the poor girl who would soon be its victim. (and when I say 'pelted', I'm talkin' like Star Wars style. It was coming at me like I was going light-speed, or whatever they call it---of course I WASN'T going the speed of light; quite the contrary. I was plodding away at 30 mph, KEVIN!!) Anyway, back to the picture...Little did the poor wretch know that she would soon by lying in a ditch, wishing she had cell phone service on this God-forsaken road. Wait, backup. I skipped a part. Before actually being IN the ditch, She was driving about 20mph after crossing a bridge, and could not see the road even a few feet ahead of her. Up behind her stormed a set of huge headlights. LOVELY. Of course, they distracted her even more. Not that it would last long. The driver, who she could only assume was a MAN sped by her at a speed far exceeding what she considered to be safe. So there she was, following a large 4 wheel drive Ford F-150, which of course was having no problem at all navigating through the relatively shallow pile-up of slush. 'Perfect', the girl thought. 'This wonderful, concerned driver ahead of me almost pushed me off the road!' But it was actually a good thing that he passed her, as it helped her focus on the road in front of her. His tail lights were easy to see, and as long as he kept going at a slow enough speed, she would be able to follow him all the way to town. But it was not to be. Being the man that he must have been, he felt the need to drive way to fast for road conditions. 'Thanks a lot, buddy', she said sarcastically. (Well, she may have actually used a different, more colorful, and accurate term, but you get the picture.) I suppose it was unavoidable that the girl's car began to protest against the weather. Bit by bit, the tires began to skid and hop out of the ruts in the road that the truck had left behind. All it took was one jolt. The car was all too quickly heading across the center line and toward the other lane. Suddenly, the car was out of the girl's control. Panicked, she pumped on the breaks and tried to veer the steering wheel to the right, cautious not to steer too suddenly. The last thing she wanted was to make the car spin. (shudder. Clearly this has happened to her before) Her efforts were fruitless. 'Shoot, Shucks, Gee Golly', the girl squelched through clenched teeth (or something like that). All of the sudden, it was over. The car was leaning almost on its side in the muddy, slushy, brush ridden ditch. The adrenaline was pumping through her vains. Her head was pounding, her hands shaking. And that was it. 'At least it's over', she thought. 'I'll just reach for my purse (now in the back seat), and get out my cell phone, call my husband, and he'll take it from here. Whew' But as many of you may know, the cell phone service on Harvey Shaw is at the least, hit and miss. It's really all up to chance. And of course, to continue the lucky events of this particular evening, the girl's cell phone did NOT have service. 'OK, I'll just have to walk down the pitch-black road a little ways', she suddered to herself, trying to hold back the tears. 'Fine; I can do this.' But then there was climbing OUT. Determined, she kicked open the passenger side door, climbed out and up the bank of the ditch (without getting a bit of mud on herself, I must add). And off she went, down the windey, ice covered road--the slush-snow pouring down on her, RUINING her very cute hair-- with her cell phone clenched in her frozen hand. At last, one little bar popped up on her cell phone, and she made the call. Being a bit nervous that she would start crying if she heard her husband's voice, she called her sister-in-law, Robyn, whom she was on her way to meet. 'Robyn,' she spit out, 'My car's in a ditch. Help!' The quick-witted and ever-poised Robyn replied, 'I'M ON MY WAY!!'
Well, that's about it. Except to say that some very nice people stopped and let me sit in their car, and borrow their WORKING cell phone to call Kevin, while I waited for Robyn to come pick me up. As I drove away from my car, the road became bare, and it turned out that the roads were in perfect condition everywhere else that night. OF COURSE.
Needless to say, the night was off to a rough start, and ended up being a headache in every sense of the word. I Ended up driving home with Kevin about 2 hours later. Honestly, I should have just stayed home.
Additional Information:
- My car is fine, other than having a loose bumper and a few minor scrapes
- In general, I am fine as well. (Thanks for asking, KEVIN!) Nothing a lifetime of massage therapy can't cure, right?
- I learned that I have a horrible insurance plan, when it comes to having your car towed. But after $548, and a new set of tires, we were off scott-free.
- Needless to say, we are adjusting our car insurance plans...
Here are a few pictures from Mike and Amanda's Wedding, which was Saturday, March 7th.